Silkworm rearing equipments pdf

Limited institutional capacity to supply healthy silkworm eggs and poor silkworm rearing activities at the farm level, results in silkworm mortality around 50 percent. Muga silk worm is multivoltine and 56 crops are raised in a year out of which two commercial crops jethua. For example, the rearing room for young silkworm larvae, rearing room for grown silkworm larvae, room for mounting. Supply of quality and disease free silkworm layings. Assam is the only place in the world where all commercially exploited varieties of silk viz. Sericulture is an important labourintensive and agrobased cottage industry. When it comes to the definition of the silkworm, it is the larva or caterpillar of the bombyx mori moth. The silkworm first makes a support then spins the cocoon. Rearing houses basic requirement orientation orientation different designs modifications to suit changing needs utilization of locally available materials. Silkworm moths only live for a few days and must mate as soon as they emerge from their cocoons. Mangali is a 77year old retired schoolteacher, hailing from shirahatta taluk in gadag district of karnataka.

The following information is all about silkworm rearing. White muscardine is a fungal disease, it is most common and more prevalence during rainy and winter seasons. Provide sufficient windows and ventilators for free circulation of air inside the rearing house. The life cycle of mulberry silkworm completes in 4555 days, consists of stages egg, larva, pupa and moth. The silkworm rearing house should be located on an elevated place to avoid moisture migration from floor to rearing house, provide good cross ventilation, facilitate drainage of the water at the time of cleaning and disinfection. Whole life cycle spans through 4555 days with 1012 days of egg stage, 2530 days of larval stage, 23 cocoon spinning days, 57.

Construct rearing house of 50 feet x 20 feet x10 feet size on an elevated and shady place to accommodate 200250 dfls. The intensity of each type or diseases may however vary in different varieties of silkworm. For the procurement of improved silkworm rearing equipments. Saturniidae is known to be reared in different parts of the world with diverse expectations for its silk fibre, food and biomaterials. Rearing of mulberry silkworm rearing house for 200250dfls. Eri silkworm rearing practices in kenya edison omollo oduor, lucy ciera, vijay adolkar and odoch pido abstract ericulture eri silkworm farming is an agrobased traditional activity that has played an important role in generating income and employment for people living in. The advice and information it contains are based on general beekeeping knowledge, my own. Silkworms rearing guide peaceful silkworms australia. Sorghum cultivation income jowar, yield, project report. It offers advice in a very practical manner, with stepbystep guidance at each stage of the way.

So, start feeding with about 45 to 55 days older harvested shoots having 3 ft height in the chilling hrs, mostly in the morning whereas 5th age worms should be fed with two months. Before even deciding to start raising silkworms, make sure you have either. Whole life cycle spans through 4555 days with 1012 days of egg stage, 2530 days of larval stage, 23 cocoon spinning days, 57 days as pupal duration and 45 days in adult stage. The equipments such as foam rubber strips, chawk rearing trays, feather white, paraffin paper, chopping board and knife, mats are kept ready for rearing. Although there are several commercial species of silkworms, bombyx mori the caterpillar of the domestic silkmoth is the most widely used and intensively studied silkworm. Silkworm rearing effectively means the culturing of five larval instars as other stages like egg, pupa and adults are nonfeeding stages. The recurring costs includes the routine expenditure costs such as cost on maintenance of chawki garden, silkworm rearing expenditure etc. An economic analysis of silkworm cocoon production. Factors affecting on quality muga silkworm antheraea assamensis helfer seed crop production. During summer season water may be sprinkled inside the.

These eggs are stored over a clean paper or piece of cloth. In sericulturally advanced countries, young age larvae are supplied to the farmers by silkworm seed production centres through well organized cooperative commercial young silkworm rearing centres or chawki rearing centres. Perforated silkworm paper, special chemicals, cleaning and disinfecting products etc equipment for fresh cocoon processing. Disease out break not only affects the income of the farmers but also scuttles the seed cocoon. Silkworm disease diagnosis through molecular approach and. India continues to be the second largest producer of silk in the world. Silk was believed to have first been produced in china as early as the neolithic period. Sericulture, or silk farming, is the cultivation of silkworms to produce silk. In the rearing bed major seat paper and dust from nageli includes three stages namely, spore, planont 89. Silkworm food is a must, silkworms will only eat a mulberry based diet. For the establishment of multiend silk reeling units.

Rearing later instar silkworms under optimum rearing area. In chawki rearing the non recurring investment cost confined to the construction of chawki rearing building, purchase of equipments for rearing and the cost of establishment of chawki mulberry garden. Disease, lowquality silkworm variety, and rudimentary. The equipment requirement may vary according to the scale of rearing. A study on the effective implementation of sericulture and. Silkworms should be reared under strict hygienic conditions. We offer a wide selection of silkworm products, from live silkworms to silkworm eggs and everything needed to keep them fat and happy. Usually silkworm diseases are prevalent throughout the year in all sericultural areascountries. Mulberry pat, eri, muga and oak tasar silk are produced.

Rearing early instar silkworms following strict hygienic, congenial environmental and nutritional conditions. Muga silk has a special status due to its natural golden yellow colour. Providing subsidy assistance for mulberry cultivation, installation of drip irrigation, procurement of silkworm rearing equipments, construction of separate rearing houses and establishment of chawkie rearing centres. The size of the rearing house is determined by size of mulberry orchard and amount of silkworm to be reared. Egg stage is lasting for 910 days, larval stage which is 24. Rearing beds there are different types of rearing beds. Any building or thatch which is well ventilated may be used for rearing the worms, but mudwalled thatched houses are the best as they are cool in summer and warm in winter season. He is now fully involved in agriculture dividing his time between sericulture as well as in the dairy sector. Peigler abstract muga silk is the traditional heritage of assam. Soyabean cultivation project report, crop economics. Provide 3 feet verandah surrounding the rearing house. Farmers are advised to use locally available materials to keep the production cost as low as possible.

The farmers then keep the eggs under the accurate temperature and humidity at a clean place. Disinfection of silkworm rearing house, surroundings and rearing equipments using physical and chemical methods of disinfection. Silkworm rearing equipment like rearing beds, nets, mounting devices, disinfection devices, leave cutting equipment etc. Maintaining a separate chawki room a must for two plot rearing system. Silkworm rearing methods for beginners agri farming. Rearing house should have a main rearing hall, an ante room 8 x 8 ft and leaf preservation room. A man with great vision, he has strived hard to do his bit to improve the lot of fellow farmers. The reason for outbreak of silkworm diseases in india includes continuous rearing throughout the year, availability of large population of different stages in a limited area, inferior quality of mulberry leaves and unhygienic rearing condition etc. There are a few underlying essentials, ensure that they are cleaned regularly, that you meet their heating and. Factors affecting on quality muga silkworm antheraea. Feeding is an important task that requires more attention to be taken while rearing silkworms for the silk production. The main source is the rearing of shells, larval and pupal exuviae etc.

Rearing of young age silkworms up to ii moult is called chawki rearing, which usually last up to 8 days. Standard methods for rearing and selection of apis. Sericulture and silk production the ancient technique of rearing silkworms for production of silk yarn and weaving it into expensive cloth is widely practiced today. In the beginning, the female silk moth lays hundreds of eggs. Provision of training to farmers in mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing. The desire race of silkworm dfls diseased free layings are pro cured from grainage. Silk worm rearing tray national innovation foundationindia. Sericulture equipment consumables hellenic silk company. Silkworm rearing guide using silkworm chow as the food source silkworms are the larva of the silk moth bombyx mori, this guide promotes a simple method of rearing silkworm larvae.

Cost benefit ratio, cost economics of cocoon production, disease free layings, silkworm cocoon. Sericulture has become an important cottage industry in. Applied zoology gelecegi onemseyenler dernegi gonder. After cocooning you can remove them and spin some silk, or you can wait until they hatch they will hatch in about a month. Pdf rearing of eri silkworm samia cynthia ricini boisd. All varieties of silkworms are susceptible to various diseases caused by protozoan, bacteria, virus and fungus. For example, a small scale farmer with a 14 acre of mulberry orchard needs a rearing house of at least 7m x 5 m 25 ft x 15 ft. The female silkworm moth has tiny wings and a large abdomen. During rearing the diseased and dead larvae form the major source of infection with the largest quantity of fresh polyhedra av. Applied zoology sericulture tumul singh department of zoology, udai pratap autonomous college, varanasi221002 contents. The minimum economic unit is 14 acre of mulberry which can rear two cases of silkworm 40,000 silkworms. India has the unique distinction of being the only country producing all the five kinds of silk mulberry, eri, muga, tropical tasar and temperate tasar.

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